“The Cave” Youth get together in masjid

Once a month on Friday, Muslim boys gather at the mosque for their monthly event called “The Cave”. The event’s name is derived from the story of the people of the cave in the Quran, who stood up against oppression and never gave up their faith.

Ashab e Kahf, also known as the “People of the Cave,” are a group of young men mentioned in the Quran who took refuge in a cave and were miraculously protected by Allah. In Islamic tradition, they are seen as an example of devotion and patience. Their story is often referenced as a reminder of the power of faith and the protection Allah provides.

The event is filled with various activities, including quizzes, mental challenges, games, Islamic talks and delicious food. The boys can come together, test their knowledge, and engage in friendly competition.

In addition to the games and challenges, the boys also participate in an Islamic motivational session. This session will encourage them to reflect on their faith and how they can stand up against oppression and adversity in their own lives.

The Cave is an incredible opportunity for Muslim boys to connect, strengthen their faith, and have fun in a supportive and uplifting environment. So if you’re a young Muslim man, mark your calendars and join us for a night filled with positivity, inspiration, and brotherhood.”

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