Our Values

Assalam O Alaikum

Brothers and Sisters

We aim to seek to attain the pleasure of Allah (swt) only, by entering Islam completely and by helping others to do the same, inshaAllah. However, we can neither enter Islam completely nor observe the commands of Allah (swt) without knowledge.

Our Vision is to make Hockwellring Masjid as a grassroots facility and a hub of the community, that serves the Muslim community while promoting connectivity with the Luton community at large.  We aim to :

  • provide a place that promotes the values of moderation, kindness, charity, forgiveness, patience, perseverance and neighbourliness, in the spirit of Islamic teachings.
  • A welcoming place for people of all backgrounds seeking an understanding of Islam and Muslims.
  • A family-friendly facility where people young and old, men, women and children are treated with respect and equality.
  • A peaceful sanctuary where people can come to worship and gather in tranquility.
  • An place of worship for all where attitudes of racism and sexism are NOT tolerated whatsoever.
  • Discussions expressing ideas or attitudes that support racism, misogyny, terrorism, extremism or any form of hate speech either oral, written or in multimedia format will not be allowed in this mosque. Politically charged events and discussions are not permitted in this mosque.
  • A community-oriented place that brings together a group of worshippers who will be gracious and helpful neighbours to the surrounding local community and support an atmosphere of peace, tolerance and cross-community sharing.
  • An informative place where access to other community services can be acquired.
  • A charitable place where humanitarian and charitable causes are supported.


We ask for your support.

Jazakallah Khairan

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