Al-Muflihoon Youth Network

“Whoever fails to care for our youth, respect our elders, enjoin right and denounce wrong is not counted amongst us.” (Ahmed).
The need to service young British Muslims’ multiple and complex needs has reached critical levels.
Young Muslims who have grown up in the UK argue that mosque committee members follow a dictatorial leadership style, talking down to them because they are younger and expecting a “hear and obey” reverence with no respect for them in return. They argue that the elders do not understand or acknowledge the special needs of the youth who have grown up in the UK.
On the other hand, Mosque committee members maintain that the British Muslim youth are unreliable and disrespectful and do not follow proper Aadab (etiquette) in dress and behaviour. Therefore, they are not yet ready to be leading sacred institutions.
Many young people feel that the majority of management committee positions are held by people over the age of 50 and their management style of running an institution is not very professional and inspiring, and that at times the management committee can be quite obstructive. The majority of young people felt that Imams and the teaching staff should be able to communicate with young people in English and relate to them. If they fulfil these criteria, Imams should be given a more active role in the management of the mosque. The Imam(s) should be treated more as advisers and leaders of their community rather than as employees of the mosque.
Members of the management committee maintained that youngsters do not always have the time to play an active role in their mosques and that mosques were already trying to meet the ever-growing needs of their community.
Hockwell Ring masjid believes in ‘Inspiring young people to achieve’. We exist to support young people’s development, offering opportunities to gain, increase and develop skills, knowledge, self awareness and confidence, and enabling them to make positive and healthy life choices through our wide range of programs aimed at different age groups.
The Al-Muflihoon is located in masjid and offers a multitude of activities for children and young people to partake in, such as sport, fitness, arts, media, well-being and self-improvement. Al-Muflihoon provides a safe environment where children and young people can come and enjoy themselves and enables them to raise their aspirations and confidence to create a happier and healthier generation.
If you would like to know more about the plans for Al-Muflihoon, or would like to get involved – please bring your children to these sessions. You can also contact via email
Click here to read about the current activities for youth in Hockwell Ring Masjid