The Big Cleanup.

Rubbish unites Hockwellring Community.
Islam strongly emphasises cleanliness and the importance of maintaining a clean and healthy environment. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stated that “cleanliness is half of faith,” highlighting the significance of this value in Islam. A dirty neighbourhood can affect not only the physical health of residents but also their mental well-being. On the other hand, a clean and well-maintained community can create a sense of pride and belonging.
In April 2019, Hockwell Ring mosque in Luton organised a street cleaning day that brought together individuals of all ages and walks of life to promote this important value in the Islamic faith. Over 70 volunteers joined councillors Waheed and Yasmin Akbar at the community centre for inspiring speeches and a successful clean-up that filled more than 20 bin bags with rubbish. This event showcased the importance of community service and environmental responsibility in Islam, generating a strong sense of community cohesion.
As members of a community, it is our responsibility to contribute to maintaining a clean and healthy environment. Clean-up events such as the one organized by Hockwellring mosque not only keep the neighbourhood clean but also provide an opportunity for community members to interact and work together towards a common goal. By participating in these events, residents can fulfil the Islamic principle of preserving the environment and make a positive impact on their community.