Kidsinspire 2020, planned for 17th and 18th October

Kidsinspire 2020 will commence this year in-Sha Allah on the 17th and 18th of October (saturday and sunday). We will start making plans for it soon and will announce the book that will be used for Reading Challenge.

We will continue with our popular categories of Qira’at, Speech, Nasheed, Reading Challenge and Debate.  Although we are in the state of a lock down at the moment, but In-Sha Allah, we are very confident that the current situation will end soon and we will be able to resume our activities normally.

However, in the unlikely event that we are unable to conduct this competition in the masjid, like we did in previous years, we are already making plans to use technology and allow the children to enter from their homes. We will announce these changes if needed in future.

Terms and Conditions

Qira’at: No girls over the age of 10 are permitted to enter for this category. (Usually 4 age groups)

For 8 years and over – Recitation must be a minimum of 3 minutes for full marks (no joining of short surah’s) and read from memory. Different surah/ayah’s must be recited during qualifying round and finals (there will be penalty of -5 points if same surah is recited on both days). For 6-7 year olds – Recitation time of 2 minutes will be accepted and there will be no penalty for same surah on both days however short surah’s cannot be joined to lengthen recitation. If short surah’s are joined, time for longest one will be counted.

Nasheed: No girls over the age of 10 are permitted to enter for this category. (Usually 1 group)

Can only be in English or Arabic language or a combination. Maximum time allowed will be 5 minutes. Only solo performance are permitted.

Speech: (2 separate age groups, under 11 yrs old & 11+)

Must be based on good Islamic advice and cannot be read from a script. However key notes will be permitted. Must be between 4 and 6 minutes. Penalty of -5 points will be deducted for under 4 and over 6 minutes.

Debate: Recommended for 13 years and over.

Topic: Smartphone and Tablets are more harmful than good – for or against

Saturday 2 qualifying rounds. 1st round everyone given 2 minutes to present their arguments individually (for or against). Strongest 2 representing for and strongest 2 representing against from each group will go through to 1st debate round. This will be 1 to 1 debate for approx 5 minutes where you verse another person representing the opposite view. Strongest 2 participant (1 representing for and 1 representing against) will go through to final. Final will take place on Sunday and will be similar to 1st round debate but you may be given more time.

Debate topic is already allocated and thus cannot be changed. Please tick whether you prefer to argue for or against. However if we do not receive enough applications representing both side, we will draw names out of a hat and inform you whether you are representing for or against atleast 3 weeks before the competition.

Reading Challenge: (​2 Separate age groups, 7 to 10 yrs & 11+):

Under 11 group: Children to read Umar (RA) by Abdul Basit Ahmed (Golden Series).
Over 11 group: Children to read Great Women of Islam by Mahmoud Ahmad Ghadanfar (Darussalam). [The competition will be based on first 12 women (Khadijah to Fatima bint Muhammad, pages 19 to 160)] Saturday – All children will be put to a written test. This qualifying round will comprise of 20 questions. Top 5 high achievers from each group will be taken to finals (sun). Children will be asked 25 interactive questions – 2 highest scoring contestants will go through to final. If there is a tie for 2nd place, there will be a knockout round.
Final round – Blockbuster quiz which includes lifelines and mystery prizes!

In’Sha’Allah we will try to set up relax/fun areas on both days – stalls including food and children’s entertainment in the Masjid car park. All money raised will go towards the Masjid.

Competition categories and timings

Please note that if the current lock down is still in place at the time of competition, we may have to run 2020 competition via zoom/other means.

Competition will be held at the Hockwellring Masjid on the Sat 17th & Sun 18th October 2020. We would like to remind all parents the importance of time keeping. It is the responsibility of parents to bring the children to the Masjid at the specific times listed below if any participant is late they may not get heard by our judges which will lead to them immediately being disqualified from the process. To avoid disappointment please ensure you plan ahead and arrive early.

Please make sure your children are able to attend during these times for performances. We will not be able to make changes to our schedules. Children are advised to arrive at least 15 minutes early for registration.

Qualifying Day – Saturday 17th Oct

Qirat & Nasheed Qualifying sessions will start from 10.00am
Speech & Debate Qualifying session will start at 2.30pm
Reading Challenge will start from 4.30pm

Final Competition Day – Sunday 18th October

Qirat & Speech will take place between 9.30am – 2.30pm
Nasheed, Debate and Reading Challenge will take place between 2.00pm – 7.00pm

Register Now
Please use this link to open registration form

Click the Register button above to start registration for Kidsinspire Competition.

If you have any issues or questions please do not hesitate to contact:
Brother Shalim – 07877 195530
Brother Shahan – 07947 601650
Brother Muhit – 07973 337269


  1. As Salaam Alaikum,
    My children been taking part in this competition for the last 3 years. I can see the grown confidence in them and the excitement when this event comes across in october each year.

    1. This competition is generally done in the masjid premises in the month of October. However, if for any unfortunate reason we are unable to do this in masjid this year (due to covid 19 lockdown etc). WE will be arranging this online using some digital mediam (zoom, skype etc). If this happens we will advertise and announce nearer the time. In that case the competition may be opened for wider audiences and participants. Please keep an eye on our website for any updates.

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