New Muslims Circles in Hockwell Ring Masjid

Assalam O Alaikum,
Hockwell Ring Masjid proudly announces that we hold regular gatherings and circles for our new Muslims, revert brothers and sisters.
If you’re a new Muslim or a non-Muslim who wants to learn more about Islam, the New Muslim Circle at Hockwell Ring masjid is a program that can help you on your journey. This support group offers emotional support, social integration, and access to educational programs to help new Muslims feel more connected to the community and strengthen their faith.
The mission and vision of the New Muslim Circle at Hockwell Ring Masjid are to create a community of support and education for new Muslims. The program aims to provide new Muslims with the tools and resources they need to thrive in their faith and be an active member of the community. The program strives to encourage masjid attendance and community participation, positively impacting the community.
The New Muslim Circle is inspired by the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his companions who found refuge in Madina from persecution. Just like the people of Madina, the New Muslim Circle welcomes new Muslims into the community. It provides them with the support they need to thrive.
One of the key objectives of the New Muslim Circle is to provide emotional support to new Muslims. This includes offering community support groups, mentors, and opportunities to make new friends. The transition to a new faith can be challenging, and having a community of support can make all the difference. The New Muslim Circle at Hockwell Ring Masjid is designed to make the transition as smooth as possible.
Social integration is also an essential aspect of the New Muslim Circle. Monthly meetings are held to allow new Muslims to socialize with others and discuss their experiences and challenges in a casual atmosphere. The New Muslim Circle aims to create a sense of belonging for new Muslims within the community, encouraging them to participate in the masjid and other community events.
The New Muslim Circles at Hockwell Ring Masjid provides new Muslims with the essential tools to practice Islam. This includes learning prayers, reading the Quran, and obtaining basic Islamic knowledge. The program also provides access to educational resources and programs further to deepen new Muslims’ understanding of their faith.
The New Muslim Circle at Hockwell Ring Masjid is a program designed to help new Muslims journey to Islam. With emotional support, social integration, and access to educational programs, new Muslims can feel more connected to the community and strengthen their faith. The program’s mission and vision aim to create a sense of belonging for new Muslims within the community and encourage them to be active participants in community events. If you’re a new Muslim or a non-Muslim who wants to learn more about Islam, the New Muslim Circle at Hockwell Ring Masjid is here to support you. We want new Muslims to feel welcome in Hockwell Ring Masjid and be part of the community ان شاء الله
Here are some of the testimonies sent by our brothers and sisters that attended the Eid ul Adha celebrations.
As-Salamu Alaykum warahamatullahi wabarakatuhu Brother Sayed. Thank you very much that is very kind of you. I have had a nice time at the Masjid when I have visited recently. I have felt very welcome and learnt new things. 👌
Eid Mubarak to you all. Today was so lovely and everyone was so welcoming! This is what I love about Islam ☺️ as Katie said, Jazakallah khairon. I looking forward to the other events. Baby Kairo is now fast asleep, he also enjoyed his first time in Masjid
Thank you to the facilitators. I brought my 2 reluctant daughters and they were nervous to begin with, but chatting away so positively on the way home about how welcoming everyone was. It surprised them.
Thank you all for doing it and for being such a positive presence for us reverts and families.
New Muslims Circle is held on last Thursday of the month from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm.
For further information and to attend the circles
Please contact Brother Sayed: 07713 819944
Sister Kerry: 07930 376786