Eid-ul-Fitr 2023. Prayers in Hockwell Ring Masjid

Eid-ul-Fitr was celebrated on Friday, 21st April, at Hockwell Ring Masjid amidst adverse weather conditions. Due to rain in the morning and overnight, the ground in Hockwell Ring Park was unsuitable for holding prayers in the open. Therefore, the Masjid had to resort to prayers inside its premises.
Initially, the Masjid committee announced three Jama’at prayers at 9:00 am, 9:45 am, and 10:30 am. However, due to the overwhelming number of people who turned up for the Jama’at prayers, an extra Jamaat also had to be added at 11:15 am.
It was a heartening sight to see a large number of sisters also turning up for the Eid prayers. The upstairs sisters’ area was full during all Salahs. In the last Salah, the Masjid committee had to allow sisters to use the main prayer hall by installing screens.
Many people decided to pay Sadqa-tul-Fitr on Eid day, both in cash and using credit cards. The Masjid committee had several volunteers who did an excellent job managing the crowd, helping them park sensibly, arranging temporary prayer arrangements in the Masjid car park, lobby, etc., and facilitating people to pay for their Sadaqa, Zakat, and Sadqatul Fitr.
These volunteers also returned to help at Jumma time when the Masjid held two Jumma prayers to help worshippers perform the Jumma prayer. The rewards for these volunteers are with Allah. We pray that Allah rewards them immensely in this dunya and hereafter. We are equally thankful to our sister volunteers for giving their time on Eid day for the Masjid.
The Masjid committee also wants to thank all the worshippers for being patient in helping to organize the queues and closing the doors when the Masjid was full during each prayer.
Finally, the Masjid committee would like to say Eid Mubarak to everyone and pray for them to have a joyful Eid with families and friends.
Jazak Allah Khairun.