Our Objectives and Mission

Hockwell Ring Masjid, a project of Luton islamic Community Forum

Assalam O Alaikum

Brothers and Sisters

We aim to seek to attain the pleasure of Allah (swt) only, by entering Islam completely and by helping others to do the same, inshaAllah. However, we can neither enter Islam completely nor observe the commands of Allah (swt) without knowledge.

We therefore intend to, inshaAllah, provide:

  • Education (not just Arabic) for children and adults (both brothers and sisters).
  • Tajweed classes for brothers and sisters.
  • Prayer facilities for sisters too.

Our long-term ambition is to make Hockwell Ring Masjid, the hub of the community by providing the services for the community as a whole. Brothers and sisters, there are many needs in our community that are not currently catered for and we aim to provide these needs to our community as we grow. We also welcome your suggestions. Whenever, a Muslim or a non-Muslim needs help, inshaAllah, Hockwell Ring Masjid will be the first port of call for many.

Luton Islamic Community Forum:
LICF is a charity organisation. Hockwellring masjid is one of the projects of LICF.  The main objectives of LICF are

  • To facilitate for the religious, spiritual and educational needs of the Muslim community of Luton and beyond.
  • To improve the social, educational, environmental and economic conditions of the Muslim community of Luton and beyond.
  • To co-operate and collaborate with other communities and organisations to combat social ills, work for the common good and to enhance community cohesion.
  • To promote justice and equality for all, irrespective of ethnicity, religion, culture or other differences.
  • To support charitable initiatives which would bring benefit to humanity.


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