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Luton Islamic Community Forum: A Beacon of Unity and Inclusion

Luton, a bustling town in the southeast of England, is home to a vibrant and diverse Muslim community. The Luton Islamic Community Forum (LICF) is a crucial organisation serving this community, providing services and support to local Muslims.

The LICF was established in 2005 to promote unity and understanding among the various Muslim communities in Luton. The organisation is committed to working with local mosques, community groups, and individuals to build a more inclusive society. The LICF is a registered charity, and a dedicated team of volunteers and trustees guides its work.

One of the critical services offered by the LICF is its community centre, located at the Hockwell Ring Masjid. The centre provides a range of services and activities for residents, including religious classes, community events, and support services. The LICF is also involved in several initiatives to promote social cohesion and reduce the negative impact of extremism and hate crimes.

The LICF is dedicated to fostering a sense of belonging and inclusion among all community members. This is reflected in the organisation’s work, which promotes mutual understanding, respect, and cooperation between people of different backgrounds.

In addition to its work in Luton, the LICF also supports initiatives to promote inter-faith dialogue and understanding at a national and international level. The organisation is a member of the Islamic Society of Britain and works closely with a range of other organisations to promote greater understanding and cooperation between different communities.

In conclusion, the Luton Islamic Community Forum is a vital and dynamic organisation serving the Muslim community in Luton. Its work is centred around promoting unity, understanding, and inclusion, and its community centre provides a vital resource for local residents. Whether through its religious classes, community events, or support services, the LICF is dedicated to making a positive impact in Luton and beyond.

LICF on charity commission website: here


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